My hands may be SMALL, but my ideas are BIG


Ignite Boulder

This past Wednesday I attended Boulder's first Ignite series. Ignite was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis and it has now turned into a worldwide movement. Boulder's own Andrew Hyde hosted our first and there will definitely be more to come.

Here's the Ignite lowdown:

-A night of presentations on any topic-humorous, serious, educational, etc.
-Each presenter has 5 minutes
-There are 20 slides in the presentation
-They move forward automatically after 15 seconds

The format was unique in that it kept not only the presenters but the audience on their feet. It moved fast, but let you convey your topic, idea or theory. Each of the 14 presenters had a wide array of topics with most of them boasting a high level of quality.

Topics ranged from lucid dreaming by Jordan Quaglia, practical party crashing by Jeremy Tanner, and my co-workers Tara Anderson humorously talked about "From the mic to the meetup" donning her stand-up comedy skills and Micah Baldwin "My Quest to be #1" around personal branding. It was inspiring and felt good to be in a room full of intelligent people swirling with ideas. Everyone has something to say and with Ignite there is no right or wrong.
Tara rocking the floor
Micah presenting - Flickr Photos Micahb37

For more pictures and videos of each presenter check out Ignite Boulder's site.


  1. Glad you enjoyed it! Get more Ignite goodness next month. Ignite Boulder 2 will be on December 17th. Hope to see you there!

  2. Hey Jeremy,

    I think we actually met at Red Rocks when you were seeing Sigur Ros with Micah (we work together at Lijit). For sure, I'll definitely be at the next Ignite. Looking forward to your presentation :)

  3. If you like this format you might also be interested in Pecha Kucha - 20 slides/20 seconds
    Their New Zealand web site (where I live) has video of some of the presentations:

  4. David, thanks for the tip. It seems interesting and very much like Ignite. I saw that Ignite takes place worldwide but the topic choice seems to range. Pecha Kucha focuses on more art, design and architecture which I think gives a stronger focus but tailors who the target market might be. Either way, what great mediums and perpetuating forces for people to speak, learn and meet. Thanks again!
